Featured Produkter

  • With strong R & D and production capability exported to 100+ countries for various kinds of filling and packing production line in Food, Beverage, Pharmaceutical,Cosmetics etc. Industries.With strong R & D and production capability exported to 100+ countries for various kinds of filling and packing production line in Food, Beverage, Pharmaceutical,Cosmetics etc. Industries.

    Technesch Kraaft

    Mat staarken R & D a Produktiounsfäegkeet exportéiert an 100+ Länner fir verschidden Aarte vu Fëllung a Verpackungsproduktiounslinn an Iessen, Gedrénks, Pharmazeutesch, Kosmetik asw Industrien.
  • We build our machine with famous brand parts and good quality materials. We have strict QC control to provide quality machine with good reputation at home and abroad. “Quality is our Culture.”We build our machine with famous brand parts and good quality materials. We have strict QC control to provide quality machine with good reputation at home and abroad. “Quality is our Culture.”


    Mir bauen eis Maschinn mat berühmten Markendeeler a gutt Qualitéitsmaterialien. Mir hunn strikt QC Kontroll fir Qualitéitsmaschinn mat gudde Ruff doheem an am Ausland ze bidden. "Qualitéit ass eis Kultur."
  • Not only for Filling Capping, Labeling and Packaging Machine, we provide one stop service for clients including bottle blowing machine, water treatment system etc.Not only for Filling Capping, Labeling and Packaging Machine, we provide one stop service for clients including bottle blowing machine, water treatment system etc.

    Business Ëmfang

    Net nëmme fir Füllung Capping, Etikettéieren a Verpackungsmaschinn, mir bidden e Stop Service fir Clienten abegraff Flaschenblasmaschinn, Waasserbehandlungssystem etc.
  • We have strong technical engineering team and Global sales team with multi-language service for pre-sales and after-sales. Also with rich customs clearance experience.We have strong technical engineering team and Global sales team with multi-language service for pre-sales and after-sales. Also with rich customs clearance experience.

    Eist Team

    Mir hunn e staarkt technescht Ingenieurteam a Globalt Verkeefteam mat Multi-Language Service fir Virverkaf an After-Sales. Och mat räicher Zollformatiounserfahrung.

Iwwert ons

  • 5664545

HIGEE MACHINERY huet méi wéi 15 Joer Beruffserfarung.

HIGEE MACHINERY beschäftegt sech mam Design a Produktioun vu Filling Capping and Labeling Machine Linnen a verschiddene Felder besonnesch a Waasser-, Gedrénks- a Gedrénksindustrie. Natierlech och Maschinne fir Liewensmëttel, Pharmazeutik, Kosmetik a Chemesch Industrien.

Eis Maschinne goufen a méi wéi 100 Länner weltwäit exportéiert. Mir hunn de Virdeel fir déi bescht Léisung ze maachen fir de spezifesche Fuerderunge vun de Clienten ze treffen an a gudder Qualitéit a Service ze fokusséiere fir eng laangfristeg Geschäftsbeziehung mat weltwäite Clienten opzebauen an z'erhalen.
